
Winter Weather Safety

During Winter Advisories and Storm Warnings, the City of Center Line DPW and Public Safety Departments have already begun preparing its response to ensure that all roads in the community are safe and clear of snow and ice.

The following information is provided to the public, for the effective and efficient response by the City during and after a winter snow/ice event:

During a winter snow/ice event, if roads are slick and there is indication of additional accumulation, the DPW will apply salt to all intersections in the city to ensure those areas are initially safe.

City street snow plowing will begin only after 1.5″ to 2″ of snow has fallen, and will continue during the snow event until the snow stops falling and all streets have been cleared and salted.

Should the snow event be less than 1.5″, the City will apply salt when conditions allow.

Should the temperature drop below 17 degrees, road salt is not effective, therefore the City will only remove snow once accumulation hits 1.5″, and apply road salt once temperatures rise above 17 degrees.

Residents and Businesses can help keep our streets clear by pushing snow from their sidewalks, driveways and approaches onto grass areas only, and not back into the streets. It is a violation of city ordinance to place any snow from private property onto a public street, by the property owner or their designated snow removal contractor. Property owners may be cited for any violations by them or their designated contractor.

It is highly recommended that property owners refrain from removing snow from their driveway approaches until after the City snow plows have cleared the streets.

Snow Emergencies will be declared by the City Manager.

Residents should watch the Public Access channel for snow emergency declarations. Should a snow emergency be declared, parking on any city street is prohibited, and may result in vehicles being towed at the owner’s expense.

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