Senior Social Groups

Tuesday Cards – Senior Center

Bridge Club:

Bridge constitutes any of various card games for usually four players in two partnerships that bid for the right to declare a trump suit, seek to win tricks, and play with the hand of the declarer’s partner exposed and played by the declarer. Must be an experienced Bridge player to join this group.

Tuesdays, January 7 – April 29

1:00 PM-4:00 PM


Fridays, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Poker Club:

Poker is any of several card games in which a player guesses that the value of his or her hand is greater than that of the hands held by others, in which each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out, and in which the player holding the highest hand at the end wins.

Tuesdays, January 7 – April 29

12:30 PM-4:00 PM

Mahjong Club:

A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with 144 tiles that are drawn and discarded until one player secures a winning hand.

Tuesdays, January 7 – April 29

1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Knitting Club:

Community Center

Do you knit, crochet, cross-stitch or needle point? If so this group is for you! Bring your own supplies, take a seat and share some ideas. This group is strictly a social group; no formal instruction will be given.

Come and check it out this group is sure to keep you in stitches! One-time pre-registration required for the season.

Tuesdays, January 7 – April 29

10:00 AM

Thursday Cards – Senior Center:

Pinochle Club:

A trick-taking card game typically for two to four players, played with a 48-card deck. Card players organize and bring their own equipment.

Thursdays, January 2 – April 24

1:00 PM -4:00 PM

PINOCHLE INSTRUCTION with Regina Nelson Thursdays, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Bid Euchre:

A card game in which each player is dealt five cards and the player making trump must take three tricks to win a hand. Only experienced Euchre players can join, this is not an instructional club. Three person tables for bid euchre.

Thursdays, January 2 – April 24

12:30 PM-3:30 PM


Thursdays, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Variety Card Club:

Card players organize and bring their own equipment. You name the game; they’ll try it!

Thursdays, January 2 – April 24

11:30 AM-2:30 PM

Quilt Club:

Community Center

Bring your own supplies, take a seat and share some ideas among a fellowship of quilters. Limited storage is available. This group is strictly a social group; no formal instruction will be given.

Thursdays, January 2 – April 24

10:00 AM

Mexican Train Dominoes Club:

Played with a standard set of Double Twelve dominoes. Domino players assemble, set-up and bring their own equipment. Space is limited!

Fridays, January 3 – April 25

1:00 PM -4:00 PM

Dice Games/Brain Booster Fridays:

Friday afternoon fun is here! Try your hand in a variety of dice games of chance. Hang out with your friends and play a few games in the comfort of our Senior Center.

Fridays, January 3 – April 25

1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Woodcarvers – Senior Center:

Novice and experienced carvers convene to whittle, chip, and carve interesting personal projects. You do not need to stay the full 2 hours. This is strictly a social group. No instruction is given.

Tuesdays, January 7 – April 29

1:00 PM 

Advanced Euchre Tournament – Community Center:

A card game in which each player is dealt five cards and the player making trump must take three tricks to win a hand. Only experienced Euchre players can join, this is not an instructional club.

Wednesdays, January 8 – April 30

12:00 PM

Book Club Conversations:

Community Center

Book lovers are you ready to join lively discussions about some great reads? Everyone ages 55+ are welcome and encouraged to join in this well-read group. Books are chosen by club members and are available through your local library or on Amazon. Have your book read by the meeting date to fully engage in the discussion. The September meeting will include a recommended book list.

Wednesdays, 1:30 – 2:30 PM

January 8 – Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wan

February 12  – All That Moves by Jay Wellons

March 12  – The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donohough

April 16 – Honor by Thrifty Unrigar

Connecting With Friends:

Community Center

The Chesterield Senior Center Group encourages senior citizen awareness efforts, friendship, mutual support, and recreation. The membership also provides basic guidance on larger scale full-member happenings. The CW Group has an elected President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Members are asked to bring a dessert to pass during their birthday month. This group and all meetings are free to attend!

Mondays, 12:00 – 2:00 PM

January 13 – Warm up Winter Potluck

February 10 – Connect with Friends for Valentine’s

March 17 – Share Your Luck with Friends

April 21 – Hopping Along the Easter Trail

Billiards Club:

Community Center

Join friends old and new who enjoy a great game of billiards.

Group plays the games with those who attend.

Fridays, September 6 – December 20

1:00 PM

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